释义 |
- v.撰写专题论文:为某一主题或领域撰写详细的研究论文。
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文学 专著 But up to now, there is no domestic monograph on it. 但到目前为止,国内尚无研究“互文性”问题的专著。 专刊 The first part is the definition^ come into being^ development and types of the monograph. 第一部分是专刊的定义、产生、发展和类型。
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语言学 专著 According to the author’s investigation on the internet and on the periodicals, few people have touched upon this field, let alone have published a monograph discussing this specific field in a detailed way. 根据笔者网上及期刊图书的调查,很少有人论及,更没有细致研究这一具体领域的专著问世。
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The letters 'HPUS' indicate that the components in this product are officially monographed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. 以字母HPUS'表明,这种产品的成分是正式在美国顺势疗法药典monographed。