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1 ?胶原病 ...身结缔组织 最常侵犯心脏、关节和血管,以心脏最 为严重 结缔组织病 (connective tissue disease) 胶原病(collagen disease) 是一组与免疫反应有关的人体多器官、多系 统结缔组织的炎症性疾病; 主要病变为粘液性水肿、纤维蛋白样坏死及 坏死性血管炎。 2 ?胶原疾病 另外,本病病变主要累及软骨组织,属于胶原疾病(collagen disease),全身间质胶原纤维以及血管可呈现纤维素样变性或坏死(极可能由局部免疫复合物淤积而至),表现为:①类风湿性肉芽肿(rheumatoid gra... 3 ?胶原性疾病 ... collagen microfibril 胶原微纤维 collagen disease 胶原性疾病,胶原病... collagen fibre 骨胶纤维,胶原纤维...
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The research advances and medical application of collagen in burns, wounds, cornea disease, cosmetics, defect correction, hard tissue repair, wound hemostasis, etc. were presented in this paper. 综述了胶原蛋白在烧伤、创伤、眼角膜疾病、美容、矫形、硬组织修复、创面止血等方面的医疗应用及国内外研究进展。 - 2
The end result of inflammation can be scarring. Here, the alveolar walls are thickened and filled with pink collagen following an autoimmune disease lasting for decades. 炎症的结局是形成瘢痕。图示:几十年的自身免疫性疾病使得肺泡壁增厚、粉红色胶原纤维增生。 - 3
The research advances and medical application of collagen in burns, wounds, cornea disease, cosmetics, defect correction, hard tissue repair, wound hemostasis, etc. 综述了胶原蛋白在烧伤、创伤、眼角膜疾病、美容、矫形、硬组织修复、创面止血等方面的医疗应用及国内外研究进展。