释义 |
1 ?音乐伴奏 人口大省 ? Large population 音乐伴奏 ? Musical accompaniment 我的朋友要玩腾讯微博,你帮忙申请一个发送给我,最好能加V。 2 ?陪我长大 ││苏嘉妍-14-Bonus:陪我长大(Musical Accompaniment).mp3 5.84 MB │├─苏家玉 (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 75.57 MB in total.
- 1
So eventually, film makers tried to get more control over the musical accompaniment of their films. 因此,电影制作人最终试图加强对电影的音乐伴奏的控制。 - 2
Nearly every movie theater, however modest, had a piano or organ to provide musical accompaniment to silent pictures. 几乎每家电影院都有钢琴或风琴为无声电影伴奏,无论这些电影院多么简陋。 - 3
So eventually, film makers tried to get more control over the musical accompaniment of their films, and specify what type of music to use and how fast or slow to play it. 所以最终,电影制片人开始尝试控制音乐人的伴奏,专门规定该使用什么样的音乐和是用快节拍还是慢节拍来进行演奏。