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粘菌素一个 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?菌素A ...名多粘菌素E是由Bacillus polymyxinvarcolistinus代谢产生的碱性多肽类抗生素,主要成分为脂肪酸侧链不同的黏杆菌素A(Colistin A)和黏杆菌素B(Colistin B),对革兰阴性杆菌有强烈的抑菌作用,临床常用其硫酸盐。
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Despite being administered colistin, a powerful antibiotic, the patient died, the doctor said. 医生表示,已经给患者使用了药性极强的黏菌素抗生素,仍未能挽回他的生命。 - 2
A method was established to simultaneously detect colistin, bacitracin, virginiamycin residues in animal tissues, such as muscle, liver and kidney, by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. 建立了动物组织(肌肉、肝脏、肾脏)中粘杆菌素、杆菌肽和维吉尼霉素等多肽类抗生素残留量的检测方法。 - 3
Objective : To establish a microbiological test method for Colistin Sulfate Granules.