木的幽谷树林和小灌木林位于德里郡的东南部,从马格赫拉(Maghera)到更远的贝拉奇(Bellaghy)和马格赫拉费 尔特 ( Magherafelt ),靠近Desertmartin,这些曾被视为皇家御用橡树。
临近Maghera( 爱尔兰)的酒店:搜索到270家酒店
The site the parents have their eye on is the now empty Maghera High school.
BBC: 'Satellite' Irish language school proposed in Maghera
In Maghera, significant works are required to achieve DDA compliance and this work is currently being scoped out.
BBC: Disabled man has to make bank transaction outside in rain
The school would be based in Maghera, but run by Northern Ireland's only completely Irish medium secondary, Colaiste Feirste, 40 miles away.