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艺术学 幻象 However,modernistic avant-garde thinks that all realistic art reproductions are only"aesthetic mirage",which hides the control purpose of ideology to turn the people into social meek subject. 但现代主义先锋派却认为一切现实主义的艺术再现都不过是"审美幻象",其背后隐藏着不光彩的意识形态控制意图,在让人陶醉于"舒舒服服的"再现内容的同时,也把人变为社会驯服的主体。 米拉奇
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文学 《蜃楼志》 Chapter 4 focuses on the narrative art of Mirage that is reflected in its structure,narrative perspective and language. 《蜃楼志》的叙事艺术主要体现在了它的结构、叙事角度以及语言三个方面。 飘渺 This thesis tries, with the theory of Aristotelian tragedy, to describe Wharton's main work The Age of Innocence, aiming to explore and prove that vanity is definitely, the artificial beauty; mirage can absolutely, produce a tragic love. 本文使用亚里士多德的悲剧理论来解读其代表作《纯真年代》。 旨在探究并证明:浮华,只能是矫饰的美丽;飘渺,只衍生悲剧的爱情。
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