...于芝加哥,因诗歌和小说创作而享誉国际,先后获得过包括“兰南文学奖”(Lannan Award)、“美国图书奖”(American Book Award)在内的很多奖项,1984年凭借如诗一样美妙的《芒果街上的小屋》(The House on Mango Street)一书成名(该书亦被收入《诺顿美国文...
《口红及其他故事》[短篇小说集获2002年“美国书奖”(American Book Award)]“Where Are You Really From?” Greenfield Review 4 (1975): 99-102.
The Color Purple (1982) is by far the most distinguished one among her works. It won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 and the AmericanBookAward in 1984, and has brought Walker the international fame.
He is no stranger to awards such as the American Mother Bookaward, Storytelling World awards and Romantic Times award for Best Women's Fiction.
There was a clash of cultures at the US National Book Awards on Wednesday when horror writer Stephen King accepted an honorary award for his contribution to American letters.