释义 |
1 ?最高保险费 ... 最高保险费 maximum premium; 最高表面温度 maximum surface temperature; 最高层(节点) ceiling; ...
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Analysts said that while it isn't known at what price Ambani would finally agree to dilute, he's likely to negotiate for the maximum premium. 分析人士表示,目前还不知道安巴尼最终会同意以何种价格出售股权,但他肯定将尽力谈判到最高溢价。 - 2
The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover, the range of property insured, the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium, etc. 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。 - 3
The premium of the insurance, which is the first of its kind in China, varies from dozens to hundreds of yuan, and the maximum coverage is up to RMB150000. 该产品主险责任涵盖由甲型流感导致的身故和医疗费,保额最高达15万元人民币,保费则根据客户选择的保额档次从几十元到几百元。