... 名字: Amendola 姓: Christopher 标签: Christopher Amendola ...
届时会有很多的贵宾到场:文东内(Verdone)、菲奥里尼(Fiorini)、阿曼多拉(Amendola)、西尔维斯特里( Daniele Silvestri)、费里莉(Sabrina Ferilli)、朱里亚尼(Antonio Giuliani),以及其他很多到时候你就能看...
阿门多拉 ; 阿曼多拉 ; 虽然丹尼
One inconsistency in the prosecution's case could give Mr. Amendola an opening, experts said.
WSJ: Jerry Sandusky Trial Will Hinge on Portrayal of Accusers
Mr. Amendola didn't return a call requesting comment on his remarks or a possible civil case.
WSJ: Sandusky Accuser Plans to Testify
Defense attorney Joe Amendola reminded jurors of the lack of physical evidence in the case.
CNN: Attorneys: Sandusky's adopted son says he's also a victim