释义 |
1 ?复浊水准线 ... 浮筒水准线 float level 复浊水准线 multiple level line 技术水准线 state-of-the-art line ... 2 ?复水准线 ... Multiple Virtual Line 多重虚拟线路 multiple level line 复水准线 Multiple-line railway 多线铁路 ...
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This includes things like setting the margins on block level elements like paragraphs, headers, and lists to the same value as (or some multiple of) the base line-height setting for the site. 这包括把类似p, header, li等块元素统一(或者部分分类)设置成站点的统一行高。 - 2
Provides a high - level look at statements, including how to have multiple statements on one line, continue a statement over multiple lines, add comments, and check compilation errors. 提供高级查看语句,包括如何使多行语句位于一行,一个语句位于多行,添加注释和检查编译错误。 - 3
There are some MMI stations on level Ifor special technologic requirements of the production line, such as mathematic model, multiple analog treatment and dynamic operation etc. 一级设有mmi工作站以满足处理线特定的工艺要求,如:算数模型、多模拟量处理及动态操作等。