释义 |
1 ?外部器官 ... outward manifestation 外在表现 outward sense 外部器官 outward thing 外在事物 ...
- 1
Though she knew even less about radios than about southern Californians, there were to both outward patterns a hieroglyphic sense of concealed meaning, of an intent to communicate. 映入她的眼帘,虽然她对于收音机的了解,比对南加州的还要少,不过这两者都有一种,如同象形文字的意味,有一种隐蔽的,想要沟通的意图。 - 2
Now I outward up, happy together, and I feel much better sense of isolation. 现在我外向起来了,开心起来了,我感到自己的孤独感好多了。 - 3
At this high end of the spectrum of conscious and enlightened BEING, our behavior, thinking and speaking are the outward ways by which we convey a sense of inner strength and security. 在有意识的,受启迪的本体范畴的最高端,我们的行为,思考和说话是我们传递内心力量很安全感的外在方式。