释义 |
杰出的耳朵 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
White skin against light pink lips, handsome outstanding features, perfect face, especially the left ear flashing dazzling bright diamond earrings, to his handsome join sunshine. 白色皮肤亮粉红色的嘴唇,英俊出色的功能,完美的脸,特别是左耳闪烁耀眼的明亮的钻石耳环,他英俊的加入阳光。 - 2
White skin against light pink lips, handsome outstanding features, perfect face, especially the left ear flashing dazzling bright diamond earrings, to his handsome join sunshine. 白皮肤针对浅粉色的嘴唇,帅气突出的特点,完美的脸庞,特别是左耳闪烁耀眼耀眼的钻石耳环,让他帅气的加入阳光。 - 3
White skin against light pink lips, handsome outstanding features, perfect face, especially the left ear flashing dazzling bright diamond earrings, to his handsome join sunshine. 白色的皮肤和浅粉色的嘴唇,帅气而英俊,完美的脸庞,特别是左耳闪烁耀眼的钻石耳环,让他帅气的如同阳光。