...东北部安索阿特吉州(Anzoategui)被一伙武装分子洗劫。 当地时间9月19日凌晨2点30分左右,这支球队在乘大巴从马图林(Maturin)返回家乡瓦雷拉(Valera)的路上被六名武装分子劫停,在车上横遭抢劫。
委内瑞拉 (MATURIN) , 5 员工
离开 玛杜 ( Maturin ),穿越到其他城市 库马纳(Cumana)
梅图林 ; 马杜林 ; 查尔斯·马图林
Like Maturin, he was interested in how battles, especially sea battles, had shaped history.
ECONOMIST: Patrick O’Brian | The
Maturin Sadio, a 32-year-old priest from Senegal who plays with the French team.
WSJ: American Team Reigns in This Devout Soccer League
O'Brianologists, of which there are many, are convinced that, deep in his imaginings, Mr O'Brian saw himself as Maturin.
ECONOMIST: Patrick O??Brian