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1 [天物]?物质时代 ... 物质结构学 matter structurology 物质时代 matter era 物种 species ...
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Most of all, he says, he hopes society is entering an era when such labels will matter less. 他说,最重要的是他希望社会进入一个把这些标签看得没那么要紧的时期。 - 2
She is the prime special effect, and a reminder that even in an era of technological overkill, movie stars matter. 电影主打茱莉,并且提醒大家在如此一个科技对电影影响巨大的时代,电影明星依然重要。 - 3
And it is hard to see how, in an era of globalization so saturated with World's Fair Effects, such an international event can ever really matter again. 在一个被世博效应充斥的全球化时代,诸如此类的国际化活动能否再次受人瞩目成为了未知数。