释义 |
1 ?隐喻 ... 旋钮和问题前的UX 隐喻Metaphors 直接操纵DirectManipulation ... 2 ?比喻 关键词: 汉语言文化 ,汉语,比喻,爱情 [gap=788]Key words: Chinese language and culture, Chinese language, metaphors, love ... 3 ?象征 ... Industries 工业、实业 Metaphors 象征 Objects 目标 ... 4 ?我们赖以生存的譬喻 语言学大师雷可夫(George?Lakoff)与哲学大师詹森(Mark?Johnson)合著《我们赖以生存的譬喻》(Metaphors?e?Live?By)一书,以大量日常口语资料揭示:隐喻不只是字词的游戏,更是与我们的认知活动以及思维运作息息相关的角色,在我们自觉...
- 1
To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings. 再混用一些隐喻,你还不会走就想跑,而我又修短了你的翅膀。 - 2
To polish up your article, you can use more figures of speech such as metaphors. 为了给你的文章润色,你可以更多地使用例如比喻等修辞手法。 - 3
Examine types of sentences they use, pay attention to their metaphors, and focus on stories you feel you could write a pretty cool sequel to. 检查他们使用的句子类型,注意他们的隐喻,并专注于你认为可以写出很酷的续篇的故事。