释义 |
机,食品自动售货 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
objectives, the bill requires national standards to be set for food sold at schools, including meals and vending machine snacks. 在“行动起来”项目中,也提到了这一议案需要在学校中建立食物提供的国家标准,其中包括饭菜和零食售货机。 - 2
How: Instead of rummaging through the vending machine and getting junk food, bring something from home, like nuts, fruits, or vegetables. 方法:不要再去找遍整个贩卖机买一些垃圾食品了,从家里自带一些事物过来,比如坚果、水果、蔬菜等。 - 3
And software giant SAP also has their own version of a smart vending machine that dispense anything from food, to drinks, to electronics. 软件制造巨头SAP公司也推出了一款自动售货机,不仅可以贩卖食物和饮料,还可以出售电子产品。