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机器,设备 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
A discovery can be as simple as the observation of a previously unnoticed phenomenon, while an invention is a human-devised machine, tool, or apparatus that did not previously exist. 很多人都不清楚这个。发现也许是简单地观察到了前人未曾注意到的现象,而发明是设计了某种以前未曾有过的机器,工具或者设备。 - 2
The machine contain main functions of above four testing apparatus, it can automatic test leaking current, grounding electric resistance, dielectric intensity, resting voltage and print testing data. 具备四种测试仪的全部主要技术性能,可连续自动测试漏电流、接地阻抗、电介质强度、剩余电压。可打印测试数据。 - 3
A discovery can be as simple as the observation of a previously unnoticed phenomenon, while an invention is a human-devised machine, tool, or apparatus that did not previously exist. 发现也许是简单地观察到了前人未曾注意到的现象,而发明是设计了某种以前未曾有过的机器,工具或者设备。