...2-1983)和摩罗德(Louis Marius Moyroud, 1914- )成功开发使用灯光频闪曝光成像原理,研制成功第二代照相排版机(phototypesetter),称为Photon,使用一系列光学镜头将圆形转盘上的文字投射到相纸上的排版装置,感光过后的相纸再经显影与定影等冲洗过程才能成为...
This paper describes a phototypesetter with four scanning laser beams. There are four He-Ne Lasers and four acoustooptic modulators in the phototypesetter.
Second-generation phototypesetter A computer aided phototypesetting system using flash tube as the light source and a rotating film matrix for exposing the film or paper.