... WDNA FM-88.9,迈阿密佛罗里达 NARAL 全国流产权行动联盟 CGC Contraloria德Cuentas(危地马拉)一般 ...
... NARAL 全国流产权行动联盟 NARAL 全国堕胎法律废除协会 NARAS 全国录音艺术科学院 ...
?动联盟(National Abortion Rights Action League)
...ion International, the Draper World Population Fund, Planned Parenthood, NARAL ( National Abortion Rights Action League ), "The Anatomy of Hate" conference, and the National Abortion Federation.
美国支持堕胎权组织 ; 联盟
First Kate Michelman, the former head of NARAL and an Edwards supporter, hit her hard.
WSJ: Things Are Tough All Over
Does the White House agree or disagree with NARAL and Planned Parenthood's interpretation of the bill currently?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
This NARAL ad seeks to move Dole's candidacy back to the extreme right on the abortion issue.
CNN: AllPolitics - Campaign '96 Ads