释义 |
1 ?山根 ...同;在构造拉伸区(如裂谷、盆地)厚度较小,小于35km;但在构造挤压缩短地区(如在高山、高原地区)之下存在山根(mountain root),地壳较厚。
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Plain, mountain root and anti-root, and the AREM model is tenable. - 2
They are also called as "forest vegetables "or" mountain and forest vegetables", so their edible organs include the root, stem, fruit and flowers of some forest plants and mushroom. 也有“森林蔬菜”或“山林蔬菜”之说,即包括某些森林植物的根、茎、果、花和菌类。 - 3
Tall elephants, roaring lions, mountain tigers, flying phoenix, stirring dragons, all jump out of tree root… 高大的瑞象、怒吼的雄狮、上山的猛虎、展翅的凤凰、腾海的蛟龙,都从树根中跃起……