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活跃的,材料 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Conducting tubes are used in wires and electrodes but semiconducting tubes are the active material for transistors or solar cells. 导电管用于电线和电极中,用于晶体管或太阳能电池中的半导体管采用了活性材料。 - 2
The material has both active components, through which lithium ions move when the battery is charged or discharged, and inactive ones that help stabilize the active material and extend battery life. 该材料具有两种有效成分,通过它移动时的锂离子电池充电或放电,这有助于稳定活性物质,延长不活跃的电池寿命。 - 3
Once the lithium ions are free, they move only in and out of the active material, and the inactive material continues to play its stabilizing role. 一旦锂离子是免费的,他们只移动进出的活性物质,不活跃的物质继续发挥稳定作用。