妇女和 儿童健康 ( Maternal and Child Health ):Providing information and access to birth control; promoting the health of a pregnant woman and an unborn child; and ...
...娩;母婴健康 [gap=1326]Keywords: improved seat; the second stage of labor; natural childbirth; maternal and child health ...
...alth policy),全球卫生(global health)等专业,涵盖面很广,当然再细化还有一些分支,比如妇幼保健(maternal and child health),传染病(infectious disease),慢性病(chronic disease),营养(nutrition)等等。
...读_晋升网 关键词】 秦巴卫生项目 妇幼卫生 卫生服务利用 康公平性 [gap=1642]Key wordsQinba area;Maternal and Child Health(MCH);health service utility;health equity ...