释义 |
- n.马基雅弗利(意大利新兴资产阶级思想政治家,历史学家)
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法学 马基雅维里 Humanity on the "evil" can be said that the exposition of Machiavelli's Political Thought foundation. 对人性“恶”的论断可以说是马基雅维里政治思想的基础。 马基雅维利 Machiavelli has always been considered as a typical representative of non-moralism,and criticized. 马基雅维利一直被视为"非道德主义"的典型代表,受到人们的谴责。
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历史学 马基雅维利 Subsequently, Machiavelli discussed how to get and protect the public’s liberty . 随后马基雅维利探讨了如何获得和保护共和国的自由。 马基雅维里 Machiavelli was the statesman and diploma during the Renaissance phase in Italy. His diplomatic thought burgeoned in the historical period of transition from feudal Middle Ages to Capitalism, and formed in the dismembered period of Italy. 马基雅维里是意大利文艺复兴时期的政治家和外交家,他的外交思想产生于意大利从封建中世纪向资本主义过渡的历史阶段,形成于意大利国内割据政权林立的分裂时期;张仪也是中国战国时期的政治家和外交家,他的外交思想则形成于中国从奴隶社会向封建社会过渡的“战国七雄”争霸的历史时期。
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And the Mayberry Machiavellis got their way.