n. 麦吉尔(特指麦吉尔大学或姓氏)
n. 山魈(西非洲产的大沸沸)
... 名字: Macgill 姓: Marge 标签: Marge Macgill ...
皮特·麦吉尔 ; 彼得·麦吉尔
Bravo then finished things off when he had Stuart MacGill caught at point by Morton for nought.
BBC: Symonds sets up exciting finale
MacGill is a proven performer with an outstanding record at the Sydney Cricket Ground, Australia's most spin-friendly wicket.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Other International | Australia add MacGill and Watson
But MacGill said he had problems keeping a "clear conscience" playing under the regime of President Robert Mugabe.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Aussies debate MacGill move