释义 |
bargaining 英/ ?bɑ?ɡ?n?? / 美/ ?bɑ?rɡ?n?? / - n.讨价还价;交易;交涉
- v.讨价还价;交易(bargain 的 ing 形式)
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经济学 交易 The bargaining between buyers and sellers is ubiquitous in today’s business society. 在当今商业社会,买卖交易几乎无处不在。 博弈 The research will establish the bargaining game model between the suppliers and manufacturers to explore and try to find the game equilibrium result which makes both sides beneficial. 研究中拟建立供应商与制造商之间的议价博弈模型,探索与寻找使双方均有益的博弈均衡结果。 议价谈判
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计算机科学技术 协商议价 Based on the archetypal bookshop E-commerce System, this paper focuses on E-commerce application system design,implementation,personalized service,bargaining algorithm and the payment security problem。 本文以网络书店系统为实例,详细讨论了该电子商务应用系统的设计与实现,重点在电子商务个性化服务和协商议价策略方面作了较为深入的研究,并对电子商务系统的安全电子支付问题做了初步研究。
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历史学 交涉 Although this system temporarily withstood Britain's bargaining pressure, it was already nearing the end in exerting its function. 这种体制虽然暂时顶住了英国的交涉压力,但已是日薄西山,发挥作用的余地将越来越少。
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语言学 讨价还价 Face-Threatening and Face-saving speeches are very common in bargaining, an ordinary social activity, will affect the result and procedure of business; while conversational repair could be a practical way to regain one’s lost faceand promote business deal. 在讨价还价这一普遍的社会经济活动中,面子的保全与威胁随时随处可见。 是否照顾或保全交易双方的面子会直接影响讨价还价的进展和结果;而会话修补则是在威胁说话者积极面子的情况下更正语误、消除误解,挽回面子以延续交际从而推动交易进展。
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Tied of the face-to-face bargainings in shops?