释义 |
1 [力]?弯矩 ... momentary load瞬时负荷 moment of flexure弯矩、弯曲力矩 moment of force力矩 ...
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Furthermore, the maximum value of curvature, Angle of rotation, stress and moment of flexure of pipeline all appear at the corner of pit with 20% excavation length. 此外,管线最大曲率、转角、最大应力和弯矩均发生在基坑端角部20%开挖长度的范围内。 - 2
The maximum moment and maximum deflection of flexure hinge could be applied are analyzed, and their calculating equations are given while stress concentration is neglected. 对直圆柔性铰链所能承受的最大力矩和最大角位移进行了分析,给出了它们在不考虑应力集中影响下的计算公式。 - 3
By introducing the boundary conditions of the circular plate, the flexure displacement, radial rotation Angle, radial bending moment and radial shear force on each nodal line of the plate were given. 引入圆板的边界条件,给出了该板每条节线上的挠度、径向转角、径向弯矩和径向剪力。