释义 |
1 ?力矩中心 ...;力矩中心;悬架参数;纵向稳定性系数 [gap=1320]Key words:hydropneumatic suspension; mining dump truck; moment center; suspension parameter; longitudinal stability coefficient .. 2 ?弯矩中心 ... moment balance ==> 力矩平衡 moment center ==> 弯矩中心 moment coefficient ==> 矩系数,矩系数,转矩系数,力矩系数 ... 3
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Finally, the description of rules is drawn that the optimal moment center changes with the main parameters of jib. 同时给出全力矩取矩中心随塔机吊臂等主要参数变化而变化的趋势描述。 - 2
At the moment of 9:43 a.m., on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020, at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan Province, the last satellite of the third generation network was sent into space. 2020年6月23日,周二早上9:43,第三代导航系统最后一颗卫星在西昌卫星发射中心发射升空。 - 3
As many as a million people may have witnessed the historic moment, including some who were at Kennedy Space Center three decades ago for the first shuttle lift off. 多达百万的人们见证了这一历史性的时刻,其中包括一些人在三十年前在肯尼迪航空中心见证第一艘航天飞机起飞。