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1 ?莫洛凯岛 ...Papalaua 瀑布, 莫洛凯岛(Molokai Island) Molokai岛上有着世界上最高的海上悬崖,在众多大自然的鬼斧神工中,位于小岛北海岸线上的Papalaua瀑布是最令人印象深刻的一...
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Every island has at least one energy accent: waves in Maui, wind in Lanai and Molokai, solar panels in Oahu and eventually, if all goes well, biomass energy from crops grown on Kauai. 每个岛屿都至少拥有一个能量来源:毛伊岛的波浪,拉奈岛和莫洛凯岛的风,瓦胡岛的太阳能电池板。最终,如果一切顺利,生物质能将从考艾岛种植的庄稼中获取。 - 2
Urban Honolulu, the state capital, is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of more than 370,000; the entire island of Molokai, a scant 50 miles away, has only 7,400 residents. 火奴鲁鲁市作为州的首府,是一个拥有370,000人口的国际性大都会,而50英里之外的莫洛凯岛仅有7,400居民。 - 3
The state flag has eight stripes representing the Hawaiian archipelago’s major islands: Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii. 州旗是八条旗,代表夏威夷群岛的主要岛屿:尼华岛、考艾岛、瓦胡岛、毛伊岛、莫洛凯岛、拉奈岛、卡霍奥拉维岛以及大岛等。