释义 |
1 ?迷你卡 迷你卡(Mini Card):袖珍迷你卡是维萨国际组织新近推出的信用卡品种,一般MINI信用卡由一张大卡和一张小卡组合而成。 2 ?信用卡差不多大 ...电脑本来的盘符的,还有个办最好是给点详细介绍缓势抗震技术蕴于尽显沉着睿智,高贵典雅的外观,纽曼的mini card(和信用卡差不多大) 首内卡扣式的,用力要注意纽曼 MiNi-CARD(1.8英寸/30G)怎么样?纽曼 MiNi-CARD,6mm极限超薄硬盘,MINI时尚外形,小巧便携。
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Turn a mini card case into a regular card case, and then take out a full deck of playing CARDS from the case. 讲一个迷你的牌盒变成普通的牌盒,并可从拍和里拿出完整的扑克牌。 - 2
Among all the new features, such as quickfind, mini-apps, business card, audio integration, and many others, one of the highlighted features of the client is location awareness. 这一客户机提供了众多新特性,包括快速查找、迷你应用程序、名片、音频集成等等,其中最突出的一项就是位置识别。 - 3
Looking like a mini public transportation card, the ticket comes in 5 colors for the 9 categories, featuring the mascot Haibao and the Expo theme, and using 9 anti-forgery technologies. 门票大小犹如迷你版的交通卡,有5种颜色,图案包含世博会吉祥物“海宝”和主题口号,还使用了9种防伪技术。