释义 |
BNP 英/ ?bi? en ?pi? / 美/ ?bi? en ?pi? / - abbr.英国国家党(British National Party);巴黎国民银行(Banque Nationale de Paris);脑利钠肽
- 1
Organic-inorganic granular fertilizer made of chicken manure powder plus N, P, K chemical fertilizers and microelements B, Zn, Mn, et al. 利用鸡粪为主体原料配以N、P、K化学肥料和硼、锌、锰等微量元素制成便于贮藏、运输和使用的有机-无机颗粒肥。 - 2
Use at least four different consonants in babbling or words, such asm, n, p, b, t, and d? 至少使用4种不同的声母呀呀或词,如米,氮,磷,硼,T和丁?。 - 3
Zinc fertilizer increased contents of N, P, K, Fe, Cu and B of wheat seed, Boron fertilizer application promoted the absorption and accumulation of P, K, Zn and Mn in wheat grain; 增施锌对小麦氮、磷、钾、铁、铜和硼的吸收均有促进作用;施硼有利于小麦对磷、钾、锌和锰元素的吸收;