释义 |
1 ?重大违反行为 material breaches ? 重大违反行为 Need more effort to see the Money, ? 需要更多的努力来见的钱, ..
- 1
Even so, it will be tricky to prove material breaches of the agreement, so Starbucks will probably have to pay to end it. 尽管如此,想要证明卡夫公司已经在实质上违反了合约还有一定的难度。因此,星巴克很可能将要支付一定的违约金来结束合约。 - 2
Google, for instance, faces a number of lawsuits in Europe for providing links to material that breaches privacy laws. 例如谷歌,因提供触犯盗版法律的材料的链接而在欧洲受到了很多起诉。