指导的已毕业硕士研究生名单【Supervised ... ... 任爱清(助研,现在浙江丽水农业科学研究院工作,2009年毕业;硕士论文题目:鱿鱼热泵—热风联合干燥及其干制品贮藏研究)【Ren Aiqing(Engineer, now working in Zhejiang lishui agricultural science research institute, graduated in 2009; master's thesis: The heat pump - hot air drying of squid and its store)】 孙红男(工程师,现在大成美食(上海)有限公司工作,2009年毕业;硕士论文题目:草鱼粒休闲食品延长货架期的研究)【Sun Hongnan(Engineer, now working in Dacheng food (Shanghai) co., LTD, graduated in 2009; master's thesis: Research of grass carp grain of leisure food to extend the shelf life )】 周拥军(助研,现在浙江省农科院食品科学研究所工作,2010年毕业;硕士论文题目:柿果冰温贮藏保鲜研究)【Zhou Yongjun(Assistant researcher, now working in Zhejiang academy of agricultural sciences' institute of food science, graduated in 2010; master's thesis: Research of Persimmon fruit points fresh-keeping)】 ...