释义 |
1 ?多媒体域 ...Multimedia Subsystem,IMS)定义了UMTS核心网向全IP演进的网络结构,同样3GPP2也定义了全IP网格结构的多媒体域(Multimedia Domain,MMD)。与有线网络相比,移动性是无线网络独有的特征,所以近几年移动互联网的移动性成为了一个很重要的课题。
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The applications of Internet and Multimedia technology in education domain have brought profound revolutions to the concepts, patterns, methods and means of education. 网络和多媒体技术在教育领域的应用,带来了教育观念、教育模式、教学方法和教学手段等的深刻变革。 - 2
The technology of high speed multimedia satellite Data receive card has reached to a highlevel in Domain, Only a few factories can develop this kind of CARDS to adapt the market. 开发高速多媒体卫星数据接收卡的技术在国内处于先进水平,只有少数厂家开发出了适应市场的产品。 - 3
We believe, the application of information technique and multimedia technique in education domain, would certainly lead to a profound change in the teaching contend means and models. 相信随着信息技术和多媒体技术在教育教学领域的全面应用,必将导致教学内容、手段、方法和教学模式的变革。