释义 |
1 ?林积生长 ... 石堰 Masonry dam 林积生长 Mass-accretion 果实 Mast ...
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Then, we analyse in detail the mass-accretion histories and structural properties of dark haloes in high-resolution N-body simulations. 本文利用高分辨率的N体数值模拟仔细分析了暗晕的质量吸积历史和内部结构演化历史。 - 2
"The only remaining doubt," he said, "is whether massive stars of much higher mass, say 50 or 100 [solar masses], will form by the same accretion process." 唯一剩下的疑问是“,他说,”更大的星体,如50 - 100个太阳大小,是否也通过同样的积累方式形成的。 - 3
For decades, astronomers have been confident that relatively low-mass stars such as our sun form by the gradual accretion, or buildup, of mass from a disk of gas and dust. 几十年来,天文学家已经确信质量相对较小的星体,如我们的太阳,是逐渐积累或建立自碟状气体或尘埃而形成的。