释义 |
1 ?警网铁金刚 《 警网铁金刚 》( Bullitt )中的1968款福特野马GT390(Ford Mustang GT 390):在传奇的汽车追逐前,它就有了压痕并且很丑。 2 ?布利特 冷战时代,“心脏地带”概念如同凯南(Kannan)和 布利特 ( Bullitt )发明的“红色洪水”和“红色变形虫”而成为西方武库的一部分,如沃尔特斯(Walters)指出,在人们的想象中,“心脏地带”已经变成了被... 3 ?浑身是胆 新车是为纪念好莱坞经典电影浑身是胆(Bullitt)上映50周年而推出的特别版车型。该特别版车型是基于中期改款Mustang车型打造而来。 4 ?片 ... ◎片 名 Bullitt ◎文件格式 mkv ◎片 长 113 MiN ...
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Don 't blame bullitt and company, Mr. Lydecker. - 2
In short, Bullitt was advocating a program that was based on wrong assumptions to begin with and on questionable conclusions to end with. 简言之,蒲立特所鼓吹的方案是以错误的设想开始,以站不住的结论收尾的。 - 3
The end of that particular cycle came just a few years after Get Carter and Bullitt, when McQueen was told that in the modern world of the mid-1970s, he was too old to play … John Rambo. 在《抓住卡特》和《布利特》后的几年,就出现这样颠倒的状况。 20世纪70年代中期,别人告诉麦奎因,他太老了,不能演约翰·兰博。