研究人员发现,在自二○○三年伊始的七年研究中,伊朗东部的卢特沙漠(Lut Desert)在期间有五年是地表温度最高纪录保持者,二○○五年更热到摄氏七十.五度,绝对堪称地球表面的头号大火炉。
世界上最热的地方:伊朗的卢特荒漠(Lut Desert)
新增世界遗产项目——伊朗卢特沙漠(Lut Desert)..
And over a seven-year period, from 2003 to 2009, they found Iran's Lut Desert to be the hottest place on Earth.
CNN: Think it's hot? Imagine living here
The Lut Desert had the highest recorded surface temperature in five of the seven years, topping out at 159 degrees in 2005.