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1 [科技]?光泽度 ... lustrousrayonfabric有光人造丝织物 lustrousness光泽度 lustrus混合的合成纤维聚合物 ...
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The ha ir of rats was tanglesome, a little yellow and poor in lustrousness in the 1- mo nth trauma group, but smooth, lustrous in the control group. 咬合创伤1个月组大鼠被毛杂乱,色略黄,光泽度差,而对照组大鼠被毛顺滑,有光泽。 - 2
Compared with the existing dope used for paper, the paper coat formed by the dope used for paper of the invention has more excellent lustrousness, opacity and brightness. 与现有的纸用涂料相比,本发明的纸用涂料形成的纸涂层具有更加优异的光泽度、不透明度和亮度。 - 3
In addition, wax is added to increase wear resistance and scratch resistance, and brightening agent is added to increase the lustrousness, brilliance and definition of the ink. 同时,加入蜡增强了其耐磨性及抗划伤性能,加入增白剂可以增加油墨的光泽度、鲜艳度及分辨率。