风车群(Molen) *为必填选项 *总体评价
张蕻(Molen):转发记录‖ 田立阳:转发记录‖
... 所属州: CA 名字: Molen 姓: Deann ...
威武伦 ; 荷兰韦特魔能鸟食 ; 荷兰威武伦
Unfortunately we didn't have any preschoolers on hand so we used our own Brad Molen to put Atti through its paces.
ENGADGET: SK Telecom's Atti learning robot hands-on (video)
"It is another challenge, " said Par Molen, the leader of the "corporation" Band of Brothers (BoB), who got the late-night call.
BBC: The struggle among the stars
Brad Molen and Sharif Sakr contributed to this post.
ENGADGET: Nokia Lumia 720 preview: a slim and 'trendy' Windows Phone 8 handset for the social networking set (update: video)