

单词 molecular knot
molecular knot
  • 简明释义
  • 分子结,分子纽结
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    除了正儿八经的化学键以及诸如氢键、盐键、范德华力、疏水作用等各种非键的弱相互作用外,“分子结”(molecular knot)的创制,一直是合成化学家们非常 ..

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    "And then mum pulls her finger out — we extract the metal ions out — and you're left with just the knot at the end." the most complex molecular knot ever synthesized.
  • 2
    Leigh and his team did something similar, but used metal ions as the "fingers" to keep the knot tying organized. Then tiny molecular strands, just 192 atoms long, assembled themselves around the ions.
  • 3
    We should pay attention to examples from other fields: molecular biology is now drawing upon knot theory for the study of DNA dynamics, and subatomic physics makes use of abstract group theory.




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