释义 |
masking 英/ ?mɑ?sk?? / 美/ ?m?sk?? / - n.掩蔽;隐蔽
- v.戴面具;掩饰;化装(mask 的 ing 形式)
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 掩蔽 Psychoacoustics of the human hearing is explicitly included into the algorithm through modifying the MP metric by the time-varying masking threshold of the input signal. 通过计算时变输入信号的心理声学参数,用信号的掩蔽值对匹配跟踪矩阵进行加权。 掩盖效应 A digital watermarking method utilizing human visual masking was proposed in this paper. First, the spread spectrum technique was introduced to generate watermark sequences, which enhance the watermark robustness. 本文提出了一种利用人类视觉掩盖效应的数字水印技术。 掩膜 One is the improved EMD based on wavelet packet decomposition(WPD),the other is the masking signal method. 一是基于小波包分解的EMD方法,二是添加掩膜信号法。 随机掩盖 遮蔽性 屏蔽
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心理学 掩蔽 Adding unconsciousness mechanisms(presenting prime words below subliminal perception, and masking) on experiment 1, we study the issue whether being away from attention and unconscious information can be processed in experiment 2. 实验二是在实验一的基础上,启动条件中增加了无意识控制机制(将启动刺激的呈现时间控制在意识阈限以下,再加以掩蔽),进一步研究无注意和无意识条件下是否能够发生语义的自动加工。 遮蔽 The second phase is from 1996 to 2003, called masking phase. 第二阶段是1996年~2003年,称为遮蔽阶段。
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化学 掩饰技术 SEM results shows that the zeolite NaA crystal continuously grown on the support with a layer 10-15 μ m. Using PP wax as masking agents zeolite NaA membranes are synthesized on the supports without pores. 以聚丙希蜡为掩饰剂,采用掩饰技术对载体预处理在“无孔”载体上合成了NaA型沸石分子筛膜,研究了掩饰技术对成膜的影响。
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