释义 |
1 ?土豆泥 ...的时候被伤到了,废话不多,直接进入主题,lz在国外,土豆是主食之一,今天中午跟同事一起去餐厅吃饭,点了土豆泥(mash potato),他们的土豆泥就是煮熟土豆捣成泥没hua头的那种,最多拌点盐啊hu椒啊肉汁。 2 ?我整的简易薯蓉 Re:Re:我整的简易薯蓉(mash potato) 21楼 3 ?将土豆捣成泥状 ... grow potato 种植土豆 mash potato 将土豆捣成泥状 pare potato 削土豆皮 ...
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Pan-Fried King Prawn with Scallop, Mash Potato, Mix Salad, Thai Chili Sauce. 香煎蒜茸大明虾,焗澳带,配土豆泥,混合沙拉,泰式辣味汁。 - 2
Cod fish medallion, creamy mash potato, fava beans and shaved of pecorino cheese. - 3
HOW to EAT it: bake whole as jackets, boil and mash with the skin on, or slice into wedges, toss in a little olive oil and bake for potato wedges. 食用方法:带皮烤成英式“皮夹克土豆”;或煮烂,连皮捣泥,或切成橘瓣状,用橄榄油炸成薯角。