释义 |
martyrdom 英/ ?mɑ?t?d?m / 美/ ?mɑ?rt?rd?m / - 1
历史学 殉教运动 These Christians under Muslim governing included New Muslims and dhimmis, they were the heroines of martyrdom. 这些基督徒根据其宗教选择分成两类:新穆斯林和契约民,他们是殉教运动的主角。
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文学 道 That is, they safeguard the truth and abide by the Martyrdom and their hearts, even at the expense of their precious lives. 即,为了寻求真理,恪守心中的节和道,不惜牺牲宝贵的生命。
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The contemporary African Passion of Perpetua similarly exalted recent happenings, especially fearless martyrdoms, as evidence of the superabundant grace of the Spirit decreed for the last days. 当代非洲的佩尔佩图阿同样崇高的激情最近发生的事情,尤其是无所畏惧的殉道,因为天的最后精神颁布的证据,过多的宽限期。