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Martin Luther King Jr Day - 马丁·路德·金纪念日:美国的一个国家公众假日,以纪念民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金博士。该节日通常在每年的1月第三个星期一庆祝。
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Here in the US, today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. - 2
He died a day later, only forty-two, on June 6, Mother's forty-fifth birthday, two months and two days after Martin Luther King Jr. was killed. 6月6日正是我母亲45岁的生日,也是小马丁·路德。金遇刺身亡的两个月零两天。 - 3
Because Martin Luther King, Jr day is a federal holiday, all non-essential federal employees are given the day off. Most schools are not in session and there is no mail service on the holiday. 因为马丁·路德·金纪念日是联邦假日,所有不必要的联邦雇员都放假,假日期间大多数学校停课没有邮件服务。