These centres store breast milkforbabies whose mothers can't breastfeed. However, they give priority to babies who are sick.
Charles DE Gaulle summoned him in 1945, after giving him the Croix DE Guerre for a brave, clandestine war, to have an appreciative word; abbe Pierre lectured him on the lack of milkforbabies.
1945年,查尔斯·戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)因为他在战争中秘密而英勇的抗战而授予他法国十字勋章,并暗示他发表一篇感激之辞;然而阿贝·皮埃尔却发表演讲谴责他没有为婴儿提供充足的牛奶。
The other reason is that mother bears may not be fat enough to produce milkfor their babies, so some bears could stop having babies.