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发酵的牛奶, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
This study investigated fresh milk, fermented milk and milk powder, show that the transmission of light, oxygen gas, water vapor are the main factors influencing quality of dairy products. 通过对鲜乳、发酵乳和乳粉三大类进行介绍,说明光照和氧气、水蒸气的渗透是乳品品质的主要影响因素。 - 2
Armenians in my neighborhood when I was growing up used to make their own yogurt, which is essentially milk fermented with certain bacteria. 每当我起床时,我家附近的亚美尼亚人总是在制作他们的优酪乳,其实优酪乳就是含有有益菌的发酵牛奶。 - 3
Dairy stores could boast of the rich range of? dairy products – milk, kefir, sour acidophilus milk, ryazhenka (fermented baked milk), sour cream. 牛奶店夸耀着种类丰富的奶制品—牛奶,酸乳酒,嗜酸奶,发酵烘培牛奶,酸奶油。