释义 |
1 ?工兵 ... Maryannu Chariot Archer 战车射手 埃及特色单位 Military Engineer 工兵 Minas Geraes 米州级战列舰 巴西特色单位 ... 2 ?军事工程师 ... medical examiner体检医生 military engineer 军事工程师 mining engineer采矿工程师 ...
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In the case of France, there is the work of a brilliant military engineer called Vauban, v-a-u-b-a-n. 至于法国,这里有一位杰出的军事工程师的作品,工程师名叫 Vauban,v-a-u-b-a-n。 - 2
Mozi is a famous thinker, scientist, military scientist, logician, and military engineer during pre - Qin Dynasty. 墨子是我国春秋战国之际著名的思想家、科学家、军事家、逻辑学家和军事工程师。 - 3
He is a painter, prophet, sculptor, inventor, musician, medical scientist, biologist, geographer, architect, military engineer and economist who possesses deep thoughts, wisdom and versatility. 他是一位思想深邃,学识渊博,多才多艺的画家、寓言家、雕塑家、发明家、哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家、地理学家、建筑工程师和军事工程师、金融家。