释义 |
1 ?汞矿 ... 矿业 : mining industry 汞矿 : mercury minerals; mercury ointment; me ... 橙汞矿 : hydrargyrite; montroydite ...
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With NASA’s Messenger probe now going into orbit around Mercury, Dr Hazen predicts that it will find only 300 or so minerals on the planet. NASA的信使号水星探测器正进入围绕水星的轨道,海森博士预言水星上只会找到300种左右的矿物。 - 2
The public lands contain approximately 20% of the nation's commercial forest land, as well as large amounts of minerals such as copper, mercury, and nickel. 全国约20%的商业林地是公共土地,这些土地同时也蕴藏着大量的铜、汞、镍等矿产。 - 3
Qianjiang region is rich in mineral resources such as mercury, manganese, fluorite, etc. amounted to 30 minerals. 黔江地区蕴藏有可开发利用的矿产资源汞、锰、萤石等30余种。