在1854年商船法(Merchant Shipping Act)之前,法定抵押指的是普通法抵押(Common Law Mortgage),与衡平抵押之间的主要区别是前者船舶所有权须由抵押人转移给抵押权人,而...
... Merchant Shipping Acts 商船法令 merchant shipping act 商船法 ; 海商法 ; 商船条例 merchant shipping regulations 海上运输法规 ...
在英国,不可能对建造中船舶设定船舶抵押,因为根据英国1894年《商船航运法》(Merchant Shipping Act),建造中船舶不是船舶,而是一般动产,可以设定抵押,通常的方法是转让建船合同,英国没有建造中船舶的抵押登记制度。
...3) ==> 《商船(安全)(危险货物及海洋污染物)规例》(第413章) merchant shipping act ==> 商船条例 Merchant Shipping Act ==> 英国商船法案 ..
商船条例 ; 商船航运法
Eventually, after six turbulent years, during which his health suffered, his sanity was questioned and libel cases piled up against him, Plimsoll's legacy was secured when the 1876 Merchant Shipping Act was passed.
ECONOMIST: Maritime history