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1 ?激活码 ...号(用他给你的序列号),输入进去,next,再点通过“phone”激活,就会给你激活码,长点的那个,你把激活码(activation number)复制到软件的相应位置,(一般是第二行),点击生成授权码! 2 ?活化值 ... surface activation 表面激活 activation number 活化值 activation record 激活记录,现役记录... 3 ?激活号 ????????? (2-2)Activation Number(激活号):此号自动生成,这个号是破解的关键,复制下来备用。 4 ?到注册机第二行 激活——复制“激活号” (7 组)——粘贴到注册机第二行(Activation Number)——按注册 机左下第二个按钮(Authorization Code)——把生成的 6 组激活号——粘贴到激活框——激
- 1
"The Android activation number is a difficult one to get hands around," said Cook. "Our Numbers are open, and transparent." “安卓操作系统的激活数据是很难了解清楚的,”库克说,“而我们的相关数据是公开而透明的。” - 2
Desired processing units: the number of processing units that will be committed to the LPAR upon activation, if available on the system. Desired processing units:将在激活时交付给该LPAR的处理单元数量(如果可用的话)。 - 3
In other words, activation depth is a count of the number of references identified from the root object that db4o will traverse and return as part of a query. 换句话说,激活深度表示从根对象中标识的引用总数,db4o将在查询中遍历根对象并返回结果。