设在威尔士国民议会(National Assembly for Wales)、北爱尔兰的 斯托蒙特 ( Stormont )以及爱丁堡的苏格兰议会(Scottish Parliament)的大钟都将在8:12一同奏响。
...for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,Defra)负责;在威尔斯的工作,向威尔斯国民议会(National Assembly for Wales )负责;SEPA则向苏格兰行政长官(Scottish Executive)负责。
ecutive Education Department,SEED);在威尔斯地 区,其中央教育行政机关称为「威尔斯议会(National Assembly for Wales);在北 爱尔兰地区,其中央行政机关称为「北爱尔兰议会(Northern Ireland National Assembly),其下设有「北爱尔兰教育部(..
艾志刚-建筑师: 威尔士国民议会大厦(national assembly for wales) 卡迪夫湾区最震撼的建筑. 罗杰斯设计.
The Government of Wales Act, which will establish a National Assembly for Wales.
BBC: News | Talking Politics | Constitutional Reform since 1997
While all four parliaments in the UK, The National Assembly for Wales, Stormont, Holyrood and the House of Commons, rang in unison.
BBC: Mass bell-ringing heralds Olympics opening
Mr Fabricant, who occasionally mentions his Welsh roots, wanted to know if the UK government would consider re-naming the National Assembly for Wales.
BBC: Welsh Questions, TV's Michael Fabricant and sofabeds